Our Mission Statement
We create an environment that encourages business success while enhancing the quality of life in our region.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why invest in The Chamber? |
What is The Chamber? |
The Chamber is the only organization to which you can belong that is solely dedicated to the betterment of your city, your business, and your profession.
Who can belong?Any business, non-profit, or individual can join. One membership for your business covers all of your employees.
How is The Chamber financed?Your Chamber is supported by membership investments and event revenue not by donations, government funds, or tax dollars. We believe we are a necessary investment in the future of your community and your business.
The Chamber is a non-profit independent organization, not affiliated with local, state, or federal government. The Chamber is member driven and membership is voluntary.
The Chamber is a problem-solving organization that gives full consideration to all areas of the community-wide concern. We are leaders that are proactive, not reactive. How does The Chamber accomplish its goals?Volunteers and committees form the "backbone" of The Chamber. They are working people from all walks of life who dedicate their time to accomplish The Chamber's goals and objectives. Key action items for The Chamber are outlined in our Plan of Action.